Thursday, 7 May 2015

If I...

'If I...'  

 What happens if you ask a group of young people to go away and do something really creative?

If the young people in question have an already proven ability to write songs, play guitar, take photographs and even do a little bit of acting; the results are always going to be well worth a look and a listen.

“If I…” is a beautiful song, no doubt.  The accompanying visuals, too, are striking. 
Inspired by the plight of young homeless people, the track was written by Jennifer Anderson and is played out in the video, with help from friends and family, to great effect indeed.  Good friend, Hayley Grogan, stars as the homeless person; while Chloe Weir, another friend, is the photographer.
Why not check out the video for yourself:

Posted with the kind permission of Iseemuggles.
Still image by kind permission of Chloe weir Photography.